Our various cultures are filled with their own unique traditions but in the middle of all traditions, there is one tradition, unlike the rest. One that many often struggle to find success with. Setting resolutions for a new year. Every year, we find ourselves making bold testaments on what we’d like to …
Every year I start a recap and never complete/publish it. This is the year I change that and even though this year has been bittersweet, I’m ever so grateful to have made it this far. My focus in 2015 was to first and foremost be a father, a better husband, and friend. …
The voice of a creative is a powerful thing when used correctly. Unfortunately, most of us creatives don’t know this. Many of us have been lead to believe that our skills are under lock and key to whoever employs us, so we fail to see all the possibilities they can unlock. Yet, …
We’re all familiar with the story of how the camel was loaded with supplies and other necessary traveling equipment, but it wasn’t until a simple piece of straw landed on top did every go awry. Emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually we are much like that camel. We’re burdened with so many things …
The past few weeks have been crazy. Days starting anywhere between 5:00- 6:30am and filled with meetings, redesigns and strategy sessions. Rounded out with a conference that required preparation for a presentation and a panel moderation, and just when it seems like there’s a moment to breathe there is even more on …
This past weekend, I had the opportunity of sharing with my local WordPress community a presentation on running more successful projects by managing the expectations and the importance of a discovery phase in preventing many common roadblocks. We covered how expectations if not set correctly, can have a negative impact on the project …
Growing up, I always wanted a pet. I remember always running next door to my neighbors house, a kind and much too sweet older lady, who happened to have a black cat. I was fascinated by the grace, elegance and playfulness that the cat had. So, I planned a way to get …