Day 12 of 365. There’s a certain joy in life that’s granted to those who stay curious. Let’s take a look at the tiny humans amongst us. Our kids. Kids in general. They’re insanely curious. Sometimes it gets them into trouble. But by staying curious and following that curiosity, they learn and …
Day 11 of 365. Here’s the thing about life. It has limited allotment to each of us yet is filled with an unlimited combination of possibilities. You can’t wait around for your dreams to become a reality. If that were the case, we’d all have massive wins under our belts. To think …
Day 10 of 365. There has to come a time when you start believing in who you are and what you’ve been put on this Earth to accomplish. Thing is YOU have to be intentional about the choices that you think mean nothing. Binging on Netflix or whatever form of entertainment that …
Day 9 of 365. The more you’re fancy. The more you ignore the core of who you are. The more you try to avoid the thing is that your good at that can bring value to this world, is the more you will end up missing out on your blessings. Common sense …
Day 8 of 365. Fancy is cute but often not functional. Fancy can get in the way of progress and if not tempered will leave you doing nothing, while you’re thinking that you’re doing the most. Fancy only gets you as far as the trend will allow. Stop being fancy and just …
Day 7 of 365. Many of us live holding on to the regrets of yesterday, instead of reaching for what is possible. Looking upon the success of others with envy, instead of with support. Simply because we aren’t comfortable with who we are. We constantly picture how awesome our ideas would be …
Day 6 of 365. Curiosity is the act of looking into things that are new to you. These things could be within your path of interest or even new to you altogether. Curiosity requires the audacity to boldly move beyond the comfort zone, as well as the courage to keep digging. If …