Day 46 of 365. There’s always something to be done. Work never truly stops piling up. Especially on the personal development layer. There’s a ton we interact with. And there’s even more you’ll barely get the time to even do. Before you dig into the fun stuff we have to organize and …
Day 45 of 365. Sometimes you have to remind yourself to do what you can, with what you have. Otherwise you’ll end up waiting for things to be perfect and end up bitter in the end because you never tried. This includes loving deeply. It shouldn’t have to take a tragedy, near …
Day 44 of 365. It’s scary to think about the future and rightfully so. What if that isn’t the point and we’ve been pursuing success the wrong way? Even scarier to think about. As a society would a unanimous mindset change even be possible? Most likely no. But this is where things …
Day 43 of 365. Moving pieces are everywhere. Some organized. Some not. Growth isn’t easy. But nothing worthwhile ever is. Because if it were easy, would you still enjoy the end result? But what about the moments you stumble and get a few cuts. Those are the moments we’re never quite prepared …
Day 42 of 365. The unknown is scary. Until you realize that it’s just a remix of the past. Yet very few take the chance. Hopefully that isn’t you. There’s a certain comfort in the unknown. It beckons with a sweet mystery that can only be solved when pursued. When paired with …
Day 41 of 365. Forced connections are awkward. Especially when there isn’t any prior relationship to back things up. It’s easy to fall into the trap of wanting to connect and network. It’s even easier for you to take a moment and say hello. Yet even with the best intentions things can …
Day 40 of 365. Times ticking. Yet you’re probably still sitting and thinking. To the point you’re procrastinating on doing the right thing. So you watch another video, purchase another course, like another status. All to feel busy but in reality aren’t getting you anywhere except on the expressway to regret. It …