Day 9 of 365. The more you’re fancy. The more you ignore the core of who you are. The more you try to avoid the thing is that your good at that can bring value to this world, is the more you will end up missing out on your blessings. Common sense …
Day 8 of 365. Fancy is cute but often not functional. Fancy can get in the way of progress and if not tempered will leave you doing nothing, while you’re thinking that you’re doing the most. Fancy only gets you as far as the trend will allow. Stop being fancy and just …
Day 7 of 365. Many of us live holding on to the regrets of yesterday, instead of reaching for what is possible. Looking upon the success of others with envy, instead of with support. Simply because we aren’t comfortable with who we are. We constantly picture how awesome our ideas would be …
Day 6 of 365. Curiosity is the act of looking into things that are new to you. These things could be within your path of interest or even new to you altogether. Curiosity requires the audacity to boldly move beyond the comfort zone, as well as the courage to keep digging. If …
Day 5 of 365. With the constant stream of bad news, disappointments and other crazy or weird moments life tends to bring, it’s important to have things that balance it out. Sometimes the obvious answer is the one we avoid. Simply, because we like to constantly stick to the comfort zone and …
Day 4 of 365. One of the things I love about branding and creative strategy is the ability to take a look at the micro and macro levels of a brand, spot the problems and provide a solution. No two days or clients are ever alike but I love it. What most …
Day 3 of 365. If what is within us is greater than that which is before us. What exactly are we afraid of? I often wonder about the differences between those that are great vs those that are simply average. Back in the naivety of my youth, I used to think those …