Day 22 of 365. Once you find the necessary momentum,tie a knot on the end of the rope and hold on. It’s about to get wild on this ride. It’s easy to want to answer the call of the comfort zone and seek out a break but the task at hand has …
Day 21 of 365. You never know who you’ll be inspiring by just showing up. To be a leader you really don’t need a title. You don’t need to be a hero either. All you need to do is show up. Consistently. And give value. As much value as you could possibly …
Day 20 of 365. Let’s get really real. The journey isn’t for those with weak work ethic. It’s for those not willing to give up. Those that refuse to stay down no matter how many times life knocks them down. If you aren’t willing to keep pushing against the winds you’ll never …
Day 19 of 365. Don’t hate. Appreciate. I can’t begin to tell you how many times I heard that little phrase as a kid. Little did I realize it’s importance until much later in life. There’s a reason why the journey is the way it is. Without the trials and struggles of …
Day 18 of 365. I can’t believe that it’s already the end of another week. I guess that’s what happens when you’re minding your own business. To say this week has been boring, would be a true disservice to life. Beneath all the cool experiences, there has been something smacking away in …
Day 17 of 365. If you can dream, you can do. It makes no sense in holding yourself back from being great. It’s a waste of talent and time to hide your skills in the dirt. You were made to be more than average. Live that way.?
Day 16 of 365. Not everything needs a massive and elaborate explanation. Some things are kept short and to the point. Otherwise you’ll get lost in details that might not even matter. Going down a road you have no business going. Causing you to miss out on opportunities and blessings in the …