Comfort In The Unknown

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Day 42 of 365.

The unknown is scary.

Until you realize that it’s just a remix of the past.

Yet very few take the chance.

Hopefully that isn’t you.

There’s a certain comfort in the unknown.

It beckons with a sweet mystery that can only be solved when pursued.

When paired with a focused curiosity, things become even more interesting and intense.

There are a few things that you must know before stepping into the unknown.

Some are more obvious than others.

But when applied, they tend to yield often unexpected blessings.

The first, stay true to you and you’ll be able to stay true with others.

It’s when you try to be a reenactment of others instead an original you, problems tend to arise.

This is where prevention beats cure each and every time.

The second is, don’t be afraid to ask the tough questions and follow the path empathy provides.

It’s easy to skate around the issues at hand and act as if everything is peachy.

However, it takes courage to be vulnerable.

Keep in mind vulnerability isn’t about sharing every little detail.

It’s about sharing what’s relevant and that which gives value in the process.

And last but least, show up… consistently..oh and help out.

Most importantly, while being authentic and genuine.

Things that should come naturally after following steps one and two.

The more you show up, the more others can establish a relationship with you.

Show up too often however and it may start to work against you.

Simple as they appear, there’s an art in pulling it all together.

But with a good foundation in place, you’ll find that the unknown becomes a little less scary.

You’ll find that the right people will surround you and the right things will fall into place.

That is if you’re aware that great things can’t be done alone.

In the end it really is up to you.

So what will you do?

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