Every day is an exciting and equally exhausting experience when it comes to my daughter. Her sense of curiosity, intensity of focus, and determination have been sources of inspiration for me. Watching her grow and take on new challenges gives me an extra dose of determination to push through whatever challenges I …
Life is unpredictable and doesn’t always go the way in which we plan. Sometimes when we’re running full speed ahead, obstacles can unexpectedly appear. So here I am, barely surviving day 3 of the challenge, and feeling a little on the side of discouragement. Where does time even go? There is just …
When it comes to making plans for myself, let’s just say I’m not a fan. When it comes to making plans for projects, events or logistics for user experiences, I can go all day, get creative with it and overall enjoy the experience. So here I am on day two of my …
Today marks day one of a ten-day challenge being held by Gumroad. You can learn more about the challenge here. Why am I sharing this with you? Well, that’s a very good question. Often I find myself wanting to shake things up a little, venture out and do something new, but mostly …
As a person with a passion in user experience, I often find myself taking note of the various experiences I find myself going through on a daily basis when going through a store. Often due to my skin color I find myself in very unique, experiences that would probably anger some but, …
As I was going through my bookmarks and RSS feeds recently, I came across a few sites that I bookmarked for inspiration. Here are seven websites that pay extra special attention to their usage of typography. At its core typography is one of the items that can either make or the experience …
Ever since I was a kid, writing was my way of escape. I felt as if the simplicity of pen and paper could transport my soul to a much purer place. A place where things were serene and peaceful. A place where my train of thought could continue without being interrupted or …