Your Terms and Conditions

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Day 37 of 365.

What are your terms and conditions?

Do you even know?

Or are you still trying to win by the rules someone else has set.

Chances are it’s the latter.

Which is ok but not that great.

But here’s the thing.

The more you try to play by the rules of success set by someone else, it’s the least likely you’re going to win at all.

See, those rules are always changing and evolving based on that person’s needs, wants, and desires.

Not yours.

Your goals are simply getting lost in the mix.

Unless you choose to be a bit more intentional about your life.

Helping others is great and actually quite noble.

But you have to learn how to help yourself first.

How to forgive yourself first.

Then and only then can you move to forgive and help others.

Sometimes you have to take a moment and ask yourself the tough questions.

And equally deal with the tough answers.

Otherwise you’re risking a life of complacency that eventually leads to regret.

Don’t believe me? Ask any elderly person what they regret and chances are you’ll leave with quite the list.

So what exactly are you waiting for?

If it’s the right time, then you’ll be waiting forever.

If it’s people to believe in you, the result will still be the same.

It’s time for you to believe in you.

It’s time to forgive yourself for whatever thing you keep holding on to from the past.

You’re not going in that direction, so why keep trying to live there?

Own your experiences and leverage them into intentional steps that make each and every aspiration a living reality.

You and I only get one shot at this thing called life.

Let’s do it right.

Let’s create good together.

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