Who said it was ok for you to think small of yourself?
Who said that just because they underestimate you, that you had to do the same?
Who gave them the right to define your worth, to dictate the limits of what you can become?
Who told you that you were anything less than extraordinary, crafted with purpose and filled with potential?
Who gave permission for doubt to settle in, to plant roots in a place meant for dreams, for growth, for strength?
Who said that the weight of others’ judgments was greater than the light your Creator placed within you?
Chances are, you are that who.
However, no one but you can determine and authorize your value.
Only you hold the power to say, I am enough and worthy of the same love I give others.
You and only you alone can choose to believe in your worth, to see past the shadows others cast and step into the light that’s been waiting for you.
Perhaps it’s time to recognize and affirm your worth, abilities, and potential without relying on external validation or approval.
There’s no better time than now to start taking ownership of your self-worth, believing in your capabilities, and your own standards for what you bring to the world.
So rise, stand in love, walk in faith, and refuse to let anyone’s doubts define you.