There’s a certain rush that extends through your body. Right before doing something classified as exciting or even life changing. For some it could be starting a new relationship, career, or even business. For others it could be jumping out of a plane, traveling to new places, or even trying new foods.

Somehow many of us miss out on the opportunities that will lead us to greatness because we hold ourselves back. We’re putting ourselves at a constant disadvantage. Our perceptions cause us to think that we may not be as important as the person next to us. That the things we have to share aren’t that special. Yet, it doesn’t matter what title we hold or how much is in our bank account. What matters is that we make the best of what we do have.

Life isn’t some mystery to that needs to figuring out. It is an experience. Something we have to immerse ourselves in. While we allow ourselves to commit to something more than our own selfish desires.
Once we decide to be an active and conscious social citizen, we no longer see things that are impossible. We see things as they are. Things that need solutions by people willing to put in the work.
Sure, some days will be tougher than others but that doesn’t mean our stories will end there. Learn to be patient with yourself and the journey. As long as there is breath, there is hope. As long as we keep our heads up, there will be opportunities to reach for. This can only happen when we let go of being roadblocks to ourselves and jump in.

Now is the time to brush off whatever idea or side project you have sitting around collecting dust. It doesn’t matter if all you’re able to do is something small towards it everyday. What matters is you do something and do so consistently.
Soon you’ll have accomplished a lot more than just sitting around and daydreaming. All because you made the choice of letting go and jumping in to your creativity.