On the Road to Excellence

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Ever since I was a kid, writing was my way of escape. I felt as if the simplicity of pen and paper could transport my soul to a much purer place. A place where things were serene and peaceful. A place where my train of thought could continue without being interrupted or held back out of fear. Until fear, itself set in. I was thrown into a place where things no longer made sense. I journeyed for a long time questioning who I was, what was my purpose and what would be my legacy. I explored my fears and began to understand in a much better light what lasting happiness truly meant.

Yet, there was still a nagging feeling deep down inside that kept nudging me towards a new journey. One where I would begin to discover my creative power, my purpose and that I have nothing to prove to anyone but God and myself. I began to learn other things as well, things like the importance of patience, its role in longsuffering and how it connects us through love to joy aka a more meaningful life.

I began to realize that if I truly had faith and claimed to believe in God then I had nothing to really fear and that all the pains of yesteryear weren’t for nothing. That because of them I’m here today.

Life is full of twists and turns, ups and downs, good times and bad, but each of these experiences has its own purpose. Some things can and should be avoided but unfortunately still do happen. Injustice towards anyone regardless of who they are, what race they may be or even how smart they may or may not be is just plain wrong. We often talk about how much bad there is in the world, especially Christians, yet we tear down those who are trying to do good. We allow things like ego, pride and prejudice stop us from caring about our neighbor.

It isn’t our fault, at least not entirely. For generations, we’ve been led to believe that if someone doesn’t look like us, act like we do or enjoy the same things we do then something is wrong with them. The truth is that the problem lies with us. Those things shouldn’t matter because we share many other things like the need for clean air, food and unless you’re from another galaxy we all need blood to live.

At our most basic level, we are all alike in more ways than we realize. So why do we hate those who may talk a little differently, have a different skin color than we do or come from regions that may be a little different than our own?

What is our fault happens to be the daily choices we make that continue this way of thinking.

In order for us to achieve anything worthwhile during our journey through life, we must learn to think, act and love differently.”

We have the power to make a difference, to live lives that are more than mediocre and average. To live a life of excellence and true joy.

Each individual journey will have its own unique experiences but in our commonalities let us strive to help others because while doing so we help ourselves.

There will be days that are easier than others but never should we give up jut because it isn’t as easy as we expected it would.

[bctt tweet=”We all have something to contribute. No one is more important than the other.” username=”dsmy”]

Once we realize that our creative power isn’t about being able to draw, or make visually stunning items but our ability to positively influence the world immediately around us, will we ever succeed.

There’s a lot more to life than a big payday that allows us to live lavishly and selfishly. For what good are these things if you have no one to share them with?

Creative power can only be generated and grown when in a healthy atmosphere.

We can’t fend off external threats if internally were broken and just using bubble gum to hold things together. It just isn’t sustainable and when things come crashing down will be an even worse mess to clean up and rebuild from.

I may not longer be a kid, but I refuse to let the kid inside of me go. Writing still is my happy place when things seem to get a little too chaotic for my liking. However, I’ve learned that in order to be a better creative things like ego have no room at the table.

Whether you believe the same is between you and your God. There is work to be done and talking about it will get us only so far.

At the end of the day, titles don’t mean a thing. Simply because a person may have a title doesn’t make them a leader.

What does matter is how we use the creative power we’ve been blessed with. Will we use it for good or to perpetuate the bad around us? Each new level of life requires an adjustment for we cannot move forward with the baggage of yesterday.

In this very moment, we have the chance to be a different generation of people. We have the opportunity to put aside self and embrace what it means to be part of the human race. To embrace our purpose of helping our neighbor be all that they can be.

So the question is this. Are you going to be a leader or a follower?

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