Constraints Reveal Innovation

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Today marks day one of a ten-day challenge being held by Gumroad. You can learn more about the challenge here.

Why am I sharing this with you?

Well, that’s a very good question. Often I find myself wanting to shake things up a little, venture out and do something new, but mostly to keep myself responsible and hopefully share some insights so that someone may be inspired to try a challenge of their own.

What to expect

Simplicity. The project idea I’ve chosen to go with is a small eBook on Branding for Startups and their Founders. For the next 10 days, I’ll be infrequently-posting my progress and process.

Normally 10 days to build and launch a product generally wouldn’t be enough time but I’ve elected to compile my book starting with a foundation of information that I’ve already put together and have previously shared just never online.

Additionally, I’d like to use funds generated from this project to go towards building a mentorship program geared towards teaching design thinking to children and young adults with the intention of creating stronger communities in my generation and the next.

As an added bonus, I also intend to release a special edition set of posters that will double as marketing collateral.

Overall I’m excited to be a part of this project. The opportunity to learn and grow alongside other like-minded people is also an excellent bonus.

The challenges

As much as I’d like to think that this challenge will be 100% successful there are a few realities I must face. The first being I’m a father and husband, above anything else outside of God, of course, these two priorities come first. The next challenge I face is my day job that has been a little more demanding than usual.

At first, these challenges made completing the goal in mind seem impossible and rightfully so. I already have a ton of obligations and responsibilities that taking on something else would surely be the straw that breaks the camels back. Yet, something about this feels different as if it already fits into everything else goes on.


So the next few days are going to be interesting. I’m sure they’ll be a fair share of ups and downs, triumphs and failures, but everything will work the way in which it should.

Every lesson will be one that deepens my understanding of things, not just as an individual but also as a business owner whose goal is to help others.

Constraints in situations tend to bring out creative and innovative solutions, they allow us to really take in available resources and they allow us to waste less in the process.

To my fellow challenge participants, good luck and let’s be there to help get each other to the finish line.

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